
Since 1997, Moonies have been trekking through online games, from the early days of Ultima and EverQuest, to Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 and beyond. We’re a rare breed in this age of “progression” guilds, but we want the same things any mature gamer wants: gaming as a hobby not a lifestyle; gaming with trusted friends of any age, gender, or homeland, who care more about each other than the game of the week; gaming for fun, and not at the expense of others; gaming without drama and intolerance; gaming served up in a gleeful cocktail of roleplaying, powergaming, and casual PvP. We recruit carefully, joke around too much, and play on our own terms. We stick together online and meet up in meatspace when we can. We resist categorization. You won’t find a lot of guilds like ours, and that is why they implode over pixels while we’re still here, almost 25 years later — older, wiser, and with more than a few Moonie kids in tow.


At the ripe old age of 28, Jademoon is as always spread out across the MMOscape. You can find us in Baldur’s Gate 3, Guild Wars 2, Lord of the Rings Online, Path of Exile 2, Star Citizen, Foxhole, New World, Valheim, Elder Scrolls Online, SWG Legends, City of Heroes Homecoming, and whatever random stuff we picked up during the latest Steam sale!

As of the summer of 2023, we switched over to Discord for out-of-game chatting; we’d love to hear from our old mates, so ping somebody for an invite! We also left breadcrumbs in Slack itself. More here.

As always, we’re looking ahead to the future in gaming, that elusive next big thing. Old friend? Wanna play with us or just say howdy? Come hang out and be the first to know where we’re headed next. See you there!